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Vous et nul Autre - You and No Other Ring
This jewelry is derived from the lettering and decoration of an original poesy ring. Engraved in French "vouse et nul autre" meaning you and no other, in Gothic script. These inscribed rings are found as early as classical times when the inscriptions were usually dedicatory. Poesy rings reached their greatest popularity in the 16th and 17th centuries in England and France when they were used as a lover's token, a wedding ring or simply a means of showing regard or giving a gift.

Posted By: Tara H.,
I received this ring some time ago and to this day, it means the world to me. The ring and the antiquing have held up very well. I was concerned that it might not, due to the fact that I was doing maintenance work for awhile but it held up very nicely. I love the simplicity of it as well as the story behind it. I lost My Love but the tie will forever remain......
I received this ring some time ago and to this day, it means the world to me. The ring and the antiquing have held up very well. I was concerned that it might not, due to the fact that I was doing maintenance work for awhile but it held up very nicely. I love the simplicity of it as well as the story behind it. I lost My Love but the tie will forever remain......

Posted By: Brenda W,
My husband bought me the silver ring several years ago. The meaning of this ring says it all for our relationship. I recently purchased the same ring for him, so now we have matching rings. This ring has brought many compliments, and people love the meaning. The ring is light and comfortable on my finger. Anyone who buys this ring will not be disappointed!
My husband bought me the silver ring several years ago. The meaning of this ring says it all for our relationship. I recently purchased the same ring for him, so now we have matching rings. This ring has brought many compliments, and people love the meaning. The ring is light and comfortable on my finger. Anyone who buys this ring will not be disappointed!

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